
Polling / Scrutineer Services

SGX RegCo has released a revised conduct of general meetings following the stabilisation of the COVID-19 Pandemic.  

“Effective from 1 July 2023, all listed companies will have to hold general meetings at a physical space in Singapore. Companies will also have the option to provide additional virtual meeting technology to allow remote participation.” 

At CCS, we provide a wide range of polling services that are customisable for companies arranging physical or hybrid general meetings.  Our services have been used for SGX-Listed Companies, Management Corporation Strata Title (MCST) and Creditor’s Meetings.  

Besides acting as a polling agent, we are also able to provide bundled rates for independent scrutineer services with our partner firms.  


  • Quick and seamless registration 
  • Shareholders/proxyholders will have their names and their respective number of shares displayed on the voting keypad 
  • ‘For’ or ‘Against’ is only a ‘tick’ or ‘cross’ away for each resolution 
  • Results are tabulated and announced instantly on the screen after the 15-second voting window (timer is adjustable) 


  • Personalised registration page with company’s branding 
  • Seamless registration and log-in for shareholders/proxies using Myinfo via Singpass   
  • Company’s holding image and/or promotional video can be played prior to the commencement of the AGM/EGM 
  • Real-time remote electronic voting  
  • Live Q&A 

If you are interested in our real-time electronic polling services, kindly click here to find out more. 

  • For companies with low turn-outs for the general meetings, we also provide cost effective manual paper poll 
  • We can also act as an independent scrutineer where CCS is not acting as the polling agent. Our scrutineers ensure that you are in full compliance with the new regulatory requirements. Moreover, they make sure the voting procedures and processes are in place before the general meeting and check that voting rules are followed through 
Shirley Lim
+65 6329 2731